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One Another

Writer: Darshan NicoleDarshan Nicole

Genesis 2:18, The Lord God also said, It is not good for man to be alone." God created us for one another. There is power in unity. There is power in love. There is power in compassion. There is power in faith. There is power in hope. While it started off with God saying, it is not good for man to be alone speaking of Adam. He created his wife Eve for Adam’s companionship. He then charged them to be fruitful and multiply. God instituted marriage between them as the 1st family and then established more family and then community and friendship. God is big on fellowship.

I found a few of these points to share with you on this subject as I was meditating on what I would blog about tonight. Just something to think about. There are scriptures that tells us to love one another, honor one another, serve one another, build up one another, accept one another ,care for one another, bear one another’s burdens, teach one another, be patient with one another, comfort and encourage one another, exhort one another, pray for one another just to name a few. But God evidently thought it was important. He created us to need and depend on Him first but He created us to need and depend on one another as well. We are the heart, feet and hands and mouth of God. I am so glad that you are a one another in my life whether we have met in person or through social media. You are valuable. Let's be a good one another to one another :)

A Few Scripture References John 13:34, Romans 5:7, 1 Corinthians 12:25, Colossians 3:13-16, 1 Thessalonians 4:18.

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Jeremiah 8:22, Where is the balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is the recovery of my people not restored?

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