While it may seem that the seeds you have sown are not growing…the seeds you have planted you’ve yet still to see the harvest... rest assured the seeds in the ground they are producing…. they are being watered, fertilized, and tended to underground in a place you cannot see. But one day at the right time in the right season, you will see the bud on the branch, then you’ll see the bloom and not just one bloom but multiple manifestations at one time and you will see the beauty of your planting.
Seeds are planted in one season and harvested in another. Very rarely do you plant a seed in one season and reap the harvest in that same season….Some seeds can only be planted at a certain time and the process from planting to producing to harvest takes months or in spiritual terms in can take months or years. Simply put it takes time.
A farmer plants crops in the summer for a winter harvest some crops in fall for a spring harvest some in winter for a summer harvest. The conditions of that season of planting are needed for the best production of that season of harvest. There is a due season and yours is coming…So do not be discouraged…do not be dismayed. Galatians 6:9, “Let us not grow weary in well doing: for in due season we will reap if we fail not.” You have been planting and serving for years. There is a due season. God says I have not forgotten you. Today your alms of various service are before the Lord.
There is a due season for your seeds of time, service, servitude, talents, money, prophetic words and edification and encouragement you have spoken, seeds of love, alms, prayers, songs of praise and worship. I want to encourage you to keep sewing goodness and blessing with what you have so that your season of harvest is not a one-time harvest but a lifetime harvest. Amen.